Everything is better when it’s in balance: a balanced diet, a balanced bank account, and of course, work-life balance. Let’s add one more to the list, balanced breasts. Lopsided breasts leave many women feeling embarrassed and unhappy with their appearance. Breast lift or breast augmentation surgery can create asymmetry and be the solution on how to fix lopsided breasts and and boost your body confidence. Come into H/K/B and balance your beauty. 

What Causes Breast Asymmetry?

If you have uneven breasts, you’re in good company. Most women experience some asymmetry, or a difference between the look, feel, size, or shape of the two breasts. Much of the time, this asymmetry is minor and not easily noticeable. Minor asymmetry doesn’t need treatment. Other women have a more significant variation between the two breasts. These moderate to severe variations are the type of breast asymmetry we typically address through cosmetic breast surgery. 

What causes differences in appearance between the two breasts? There are many potential causes of breast asymmetry, including trauma to the breast or breast buds, genetics, birth defects, hormonal fluctuations, pregnancy, and cancer. Some women develop breast asymmetry as a result of a poorly done breast augmentation or reduction. 

Some women find that their breasts change size (sometimes unevenly) during seasons of major hormonal change; for example, breast size can fluctuate throughout puberty, pregnancy or through menopause. 

Breasts may also appear larger due to water retention or blood flow; they usually return to their normal size during the menstrual cycle.

If you believe your breasts are imbalanced but aren’t totally sure, you can usually find out easily enough by scheduling your regular mammogram. A breast ultrasound can also be useful in determining the extent of asymmetry or even identifying breasts that are just starting to become asymmetrical. 

Balancing the Breasts with Breast Implants

One of the most common methods for treating breast asymmetry is breast augmentation. We use this technique for treating breast size asymmetry. We’ll place implants into the breasts, or potentially a singular breast implant into the smaller breast, to balance breast size. The goal is to create two similarly sized breasts by adding more volume into the smaller breast until a consistent size is achieved. 

Saline implants are especially helpful for treating asymmetry as they are filled within the breast, giving your surgeon additional flexibility to create symmetrical breasts. 

If you choose to address asymmetry with breast implants and discover how to fix lopsided breasts, it’s important to choose just the right implants. This means making an informed decision about implant material, size, and shape. Your plastic surgeon can walk you through some of the details, and even let you “try on” different options via implant sizers and 3-D imaging.

Breast Lift Surgery for Asymmetry

For position and shape irregularities, a breast lift is one of the most effective options for treating breast asymmetry. This procedure can address:

  • Variations in breast positioning
  • Asymmetry of nipple size or position
  • Breast shape differences

In a breast lift procedure, the breast is reshaped and repositioned. If needed, skin and tissue can be removed and nipple variations addressed. Note that a breast lift is intended to address the shape, not the size, of your breasts; however, when droopy breasts are repositioned to look perkier, it can make them seem as if they have grown in size, even if their actual volume remains unchanged.

With more questions about the pros and cons of a breast lift, reach out to H/K/B at any time.

Will My Breast Asymmetry Return? How to Fix Lopsided Breasts

Breast augmentation and breast lift surgery create permanent changes in the size, shape, and position of the breasts. Results are long-lasting, but not always permanent. There is a chance you will need breast revision surgery. 

You see, asymmetry can be difficult to treat because the breasts are always changing. They change during the month as hormonal levels fluctuate. They change with weight gain or loss and pregnancy. The aging process also affects the breasts. When you’ve received treatment for breast asymmetry, these normal breast changes may not affect both breasts evenly. One breast may sag more than the other, or size changes may impact one breast more significantly. If these differences occur and are bothersome, revision surgery can correct them. 

Choosing Between a Breast Lift and Breast Augmentation for How to Fix Lopsided Breasts

As you seek the optimal procedure to bring symmetry to your breasts, it can be hard to know exactly which procedure is right for you. There are no one-size-fits-all solutions here; both surgeries have their pros and cons, and the best way to select one is to meet with a plastic surgeon for a consultation.

During your consultation at H/K/B Cosmetic Surgery, your provider will:

  • Assess your breasts, determining the best surgical solution to achieve your desired aesthetic goals.
  • Qualify you as a patient, ensuring you are in overall good health and that you are a good candidate for safe surgery.
  • Walk you through all of the specifics of the surgery as well as the recovery period, including all necessary aftercare steps.
  • Address any questions you have about your breast procedure.

One more thing that’s worth noting: Your surgeon may recommend that you have both procedures at once. For many women, having a lift and augmentation is the best way to achieve the breasts they’ve always wanted, and if that’s the case, you might as well have both procedures done on the same day. Ask your surgeon for more information about this.

Addressing Breast Asymmetry at H/K/B Cosmetic Surgery

When your breasts are different sizes, it’s inevitable that you’ll feel a little self-conscious about it. There are simple ways in which you can minimize this awkwardness and gain real confidence in your body, whether through getting breast implants, having a breast lift, or a combination of the two.

We’d love to explain your options for getting a breast lift or breast augmentation in Charlotte, NC. The first step is setting up that initial consultation. Call H/K/B at 704-659-9000 to learn about your options for treating breast asymmetry in Charlotte, NC.